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Rose Quartz Facial

Egyptians believed rose quartz had anti-aging properties. It is thought that the Goddesses would gather tumbled stones of rose quartz by the Nile river & use them as facial massage stones to keep the complexion clear & prevent wrinkles.

This beautiful pink crystal has a powerful energy that resonates within the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is commonly referred to as the "Love Stone" for it's strong vibrations of unconditional love, tenderness, joy, warmth & healing. It has an amazing ability to reduce inflammation & support the renewal of skin cells plus heals & rejuvenates. Rose quartz is also good for the heart & circulation, bringing oxygen to skin which improves tone, luster & glow.

The healing properties of this rose quartz facial encourages muscle tone while increasing circulation, stimulating detoxification by lymphatic drainage & also aides absorption of skin care products. Our experienced Aestheticians will provide a thorough analysis of your skin & products will be selected for your individual needs. Upon completion of this luxurious treatment, you’ll notice that your skin feels tighter, your complexion is smoother, clearer & under-eye puffiness has nearly diminished.

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